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The one-way flight: 3rd September 2018

Writer: hollyhoultonphotoghollyhoultonphotog

I have always loved Spain as a country for their photography, way of life, food, architecture and more! After learning that Madrid is known for being a creative hub for artists including photographers and gallery-goers I knew I had to go to Universidad de Europea Madrid (UEM).

So when I saw that a ‘Communications’ course was listed at UEM, I decided to look into what this would involve. As I am a visual artist, I knew that whichever course I chose needed to improve my photography skills. I chose to study the course as it gave me the option of learning new photography, creative and branding techniques which would be ideal for me for completing my final year back in Coventry.

After the lengthy acceptation process was completed and I was enrolled at UEM to study the course, I spent my remaining spare time before moving to Madrid preparing for living and studying there.

Here is a checklist of all the things I had to do: (helpful to those interested in completing an Erasmus year)

1. Get rid of current UK EHIC card and apply for a student EHIC card for studying abroad

2. Buy ‘study abroad travel insurance’

3. Find a place to live in central Madrid and book it

4. Choose the classes I wanted to do at UEM after enrolling

5. Fill out part of my learning agreement and get it signed by Coventry University before leaving

6. Apply for Student Finance

7. Book my one-way flight and organise extra luggage

8. Get Abono travel card

9. Get Santander Zero credit card

10. Book registry appointment at UEM for once I’ve arrived

11. Practice Spanish with DuoLingo app on phone and using notes made from Spanish Beginner’s Class I did in first year of university

12. Make a to-do list of what needed to be done upon arriving to Madrid e.g legal documents in order to live there

The summer zoomed by and before I knew it, it was the 3rd of September and I was standing at Stansted airport waiting to board my flight.

Mixed emotions were felt when boarding the flight, although feeling happy would be an understatement, I felt ecstatic. To know I was spending my next year of study in Madrid and getting to grips with European art was incredible. I was scared, but of course a good scared. I did feel apprehensive about the journey which lay ahead of me, although I couldn’t have hoped for a better beginning…


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