FotoClasse UEM exhibition 2019
During October this year, the institution of Universidad de Europea Madrid (UEM), where I studied a ‘Communications’ course for my...
During October this year, the institution of Universidad de Europea Madrid (UEM), where I studied a ‘Communications’ course for my...
Earlier this year, the university I attend back in the UK, announced a call out for photography work responding to the themes of...
Earlier this year whilst living in Spain’s capital city during my Erasmus Year, I created the body of work ‘12 Streets of Madrid’, which...
Hashtag Photography is an online-run, quarterly magazine which represents talented emerging photographers with raw and unique talent....
This summer I had the privilege of being directly contacted by a keen photography enthusiast with the opportunity to tutor her in the...
Due to having worked for Bright Publishing before, back in February, I was fortunate enough to have been asked to write a book review for...
On the 17th April 2018, I exhibited the collaborative body of work ‘The Past, We Miss’ with my cousin Maisie in my Grandmother’s...
On the 10th December 2017 I exhibited a university body of work to the general public, at The Tin Arts and Music Centre located near...
Recently, I was fortunate enough to be chosen by Saal Digital UK to create my own photobook using their services and to review it....
On the 3rd October 2017, I had the privilege of exhibiting some of my first year work from studying at  Coventry University, alongside my...
As I said in my previous post, I felt Ian Farrell had opened some doors for me in the industry and no doubt he had! He often completes...
Another day, another shoot. Fortunately, Ian Farrell invited me to assist him with another piece commissioned by Fuji X online magazine,...
Due to the first day of work experience going well, I was lucky enough to be asked to assist Ian Farrell again. This time, for a shoot he...
I had the pleasure of first meeting the commercial and editorial portrait photographer at a Cambridge Open Studios event back in July of...
May-June 2017: Voluntary work for Eastside Projects gallery in Digbeth, Birmingham I am a volunteer for the Not For Profit gallery:...
Here are examples of commissioned works I have completed, including commercial/event photography for the Bury and West Suffolk magazine;...