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FotoClasse UEM exhibition 2019

Writer: hollyhoultonphotoghollyhoultonphotog

During October this year, the institution of Universidad de Europea Madrid (UEM), where I studied a ‘Communications’ course for my International Enhancement/Erasmus Year put on an exhibition of students’ work from the past academic year. I studied here as my third year of learning for my BA (Hons) Photography degree at Coventry University and I created some work I am particularly proud of from completing the two photography classes which I participated in, in the first semester. The exhibition consisted of work from students who partook in these classes. In the second semester after finishing the classes, I was asked to apply for the exhibition by sending through to the photography team the work I had made during the classes that I thought was most successful. The work I submitted and that was exhibited, included some work from the projects: ‘Growing, Losing, Regaining’, ‘Exoticism and Fashion’ and some black and white portraiture from a studio task we were set to complete – all of which was conducted for various tasks to complete these classes. Links to these projects to view them in full detail can be seen here:

The photography team then selected the work they considered to be the most impressive to be included in the final exhibition. The selected images were either displayed on digital screens on a slideshow or printed and mounted, with the student’s name credited beneath. The exhibition took place mid-October, so of course I had moved back home to England by this point and was in the midst of completing my first semester of my final and fourth year of study at Coventry University, however, I was sent some images of the event taking place from UEM.

Here are some photos of my work being displayed in the exhibition:

I think the prints are particularly effective as such a big size and I’m really glad the university made something of our work to be seen by others and that I am able to say my work has been exhibited in Madrid!


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