Hashtag Photography is an online-run, quarterly magazine which represents talented emerging photographers with raw and unique talent.
After seeing that they were advertising for writers to contribute to their magazine, I was not hesitant to contact them. I have had a fair amount of experience in photography journalism but always crave more; I have also always been a big admirer of this magazine so was very keen to work for them.
In the result of emails with the company, they asked me to conduct an interview with a photographer and then to write about it.
Shown below is the link to the final piece, displayed on their blog on their website:

You can also follow the company at: @hashtagphotomag
I really enjoyed working for them and putting the interview together, it was also a pleasure to interview the photographer, Natalia, you can follow her at: @natalia.npa and check out her website at: www.npaphotography.com