Until The Third Bridge
Until The Third Bridge is a personal and experiential exploration of the Coventry Canal landscape and the history of its formation in the eighteenth century.
The multi-media installation aims to provide a sensory experience, consisting of photographic prints and video projection which focus on the textures of the landscape today, incorporating the self, experiences of place and recontextualised archives. Printed on several different papers varying in texture, the prints intend to exert senses of sight and touch, texture and history. The audio recordings add to the immersive atmosphere and create a calm and peaceful one, as felt when in the landscape. The pressed leaves contribute to the experience of touch and smell, adding an ephemeral layer. The handwritten diary entries act as records of what was felt, thought, heard and seen during the visits to the landscape. The media provides a way of investigating the explored route, as shown on the hand-drawn map, which is supported by the archival information.
By exhibiting in The Tin, the work aims to draw in local communities and members of the public, to experience, as John Wylie states ‘a world to live in, not a scene toview.’ (2009: 149). To be immersed in the representation of the place, to experience it intimately and to provoke thought of the encounter of this landscape.

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Documentation photos and video are shown below of the exhibition I put on at The Tin venue on the 10thDecember 2017, please also visit my blog site to read about this in more detail and to check out which published ‘Creative Guide’ my exhibition featured in: https://hollyhoultonphotog.wixsite.com/mysite/blog/until-the-third-bridge-exhibition-2017